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Electrical lens driver


Product Info

Electrical lens driver




The Electrical Lens Driver 4 offers a simple yet precise way to control Optotune's electrical lenses, in particular the EL-6-18 and EL-10-30 series. It can be used as a standalone solution or integrated into OEM designs.


Main features are:
-. Current control from -290 to +290 mA with 12 bit precision 
-. Drive frequencies from 0.2 to 1000 Hz (rectangular, triangular or sinusoidal) 
-. I2C sensor read-out e.g. for temperature compensation USB powered 
-. Driver software in Windows 7 (complete SDK available) 
-. 2-channel version available to drive two lenses


This constant current source is suitable for:

-. Electrically tunable lenses 
-. LEDs 
-. Laser diodes


Downloads   Datasheet Lens Driver software

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