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Fiber-optic Collimator


Product Info

For Easy Laser Beam Guidance

Focusable Collimators for Coupling Light out of the Fiber

The greatest challenge when working with optical ibers is to eficiently couple the light into and out of the iber; it is absolutely necessary to collimate the laser beam during output coupling. To make this process as simple as possible, LASER COMPONENTS has developed focusable iber optic collimators, which are manufactured in Germany.

Available in two diameters (11.5 mm and 19 mm), these collimators are suited for the following ibers: step-index ibers with a numerical aperture of NA=0.22, single-mode ibers, CO2  ibers with a core diameter of 750 um or 1000um. These collimator consist of lens systems that are coated for different wavelength ranges. Choose any of the standard wavelengths 350-700 nm, 650-1050 nm, 1050-1060 nm, or 10.6 um.

Furthermore, the focal length of the system can also be selected. All collimators can be equipped for different connector systems

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