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Polarized VCSELs Push High-performance Sensing and Telecom Technology

페이지 정보

작성자 admin 조회 11,053회 작성일 22-11-14 16:19


Polarized VCSELs attract ever-increasing attention with high performance sensing technique demand as they can provide more information on sensing targets to realize higher precision control, and enhance signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) via reduce unwanted light.

Manipulating the polarization of light is critical for many optical applications. Optical design often focuses on the wavelength and intensity of light, ignoring its polarization. However, polarization is an important property of light, and it affects even those optical systems that do not explicitly measure it. The polarization of the light affects the focus of the laser beam and is important to prevent unwanted back reflections. It is essential for many metering applications.

In general, the polarization of standard VCSELs is random, which is unpolarized. The polarization switching can be observed abruptly with varying bias current and temperature, which results in SNR degradation. This will limit the performance of VCSEL-based free-space optical interconnects and sensing applications.

Implementing polarization control can be useful in a variety of imaging applications to eliminate glare from light scattering, increase contrast, and eliminate hot spots from reflective objects. This either brings out more intense color or contrast or helps to better identify surface defects or other otherwise hidden structures.

We provides a stable linearly polarized VCSELs with 680/808/850/940nm wavelengths with single longitudinal mode and gaussian beam. The wavelengths from 680nm to 940nm VCSELs are for the demand of polarization stability such as metaverse for XR such as eye tracking, biosensors, pulse oximetry, spectroscopy, and suitable for optical interconnect systems, i.e., data transmission over short distances.


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