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Which applications are DOE used for?

페이지 정보

작성자 admin 조회 10,251회 작성일 20-01-21 14:41


New Products

Mid-IR fused silica DOE for medical and aesthetic applications


Holo/Or now offers our DOE on corning 7979 Fused Silica substrates, enabling wafer-scale manufacturing of diffractive optics for lasers such as ER:YAG at 2.94um wavelength. Our new corning 7979 DOE offer high efficiencies with close to 100% transmission over the spectrum from 193nm-3000nm, making them useful for a wide variety of laser applications in the aesthetics, dental and medical fields.

By enabling wafer-scale manufacturing, Holo/Or can offer high-end cost effective products to our customers. Contact us for more details.

Laser Welding with DOEs 

Laser welding is used in a wide range of industrial applications including automotive, aerospace, semiconductors, electronics, medical, power, defense, and others. The natural laser beam is not the optimal shape for many industrial applications in general, and especially in the field of welding, brazing, soldering, and other similar processes.
A process-specific tailored laser intensity distribution can improve throughput, seam height, strength, and the edge smoothness of the joints, as well as eliminate hot cracking.

Holo/Or has developed several shaping solutionts for laser welding: our HEDS dual spot splitter family provides high efficency splitting that is ideal for scanning over the welded area, while our C shapers have been proven in research to  eliminate hot cracking, improve width/depth weld ratio and reduce oxidization.

For brazing applications, we offer the brazing diffuser, with  an adjustable ratio of central spot to the leading spots by easily decentering the element. 
Contact us for more details.

Glass Cutting solutions

Based on feedback from our costumers, Holo/Or has developed many laser glass cutting solutions over the years, from the component level, such as our EF and MF DOE families, through solutions integrated with focusing optics like our MF module, and collimating with our full-range optical solution, the Deepcleave™ depth of focus objective module.
To better aid our customers understand the various laser glass cutting solutions we offer, Holo/Or has launched a new glass cutting solutions page.
Feel free to visit our new page, or contact us directly for glass cutting solutions.

Parallel processing with Scanner and beam splitter DOE

Many industrial laser applications, such as scribing, cutting and welding, utilize F-theta & scanner setups to allow for accurate and fast processing of the workpiece over predetermined paths.
With increasing laser power, it is often the case that machine builders have more than enough laser power to process multiple parts in parallel. A highly cost-efficient way of doing this is by utilizing Holo/Or's diffractive beam splitters together with the existing f-theta optics.

This way, the beam can be splited to as many spots as desired, with accurately defined separations, without the need for extra costly and bulky write heads, with separate scanners.
Holo/Or constantly develops new high efficiency splitters for use in parallel processing, and supports our customers in integrating our elements into their f-theta and scanner setup using Zemax™.
Feel free to contact us with your system details / blackbox.

Technical Tips

Application Notes renewed and expanded

We are constantly trying to make it easier for our customers to integrate our components into their systems. One of the best ways to understand our products are our Application Notes, where topics such a functionality, tolerances, typical setups and design considerations are covered at detail.

We have recently updated our Beam SplittersDiffusers and Beam Shapers application notes, and we encourage our customers to read the relevant application notes for their product of interest, as this can often answer many questions immediately.
For more detailed, system specific questions,  do not hesitate to contact us.

For more informaton please contact us.

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대전광역시 유성구 테크노4로 17 (관평동 684번지) 대덕비즈센터 B동 313호| 문의 : 042-933-9870
팩스 : 0303-0959-9870| 이메일 : sales@uniotech.kr
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