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고성능과 가성비를 갖춘 Bandpass Filter 및 응용분야 - Alluxa

페이지 정보

작성자 admin 조회 7,622회 작성일 21-05-18 15:23


1.협대역의 밴드패스필터 

Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filters – Min 0.15nm FWHM

Largest selection of ultra-narrow bandpass
filters available online. These hard-coated narrowband filters are designed and
specified with bandwidths as narrow as 0.15 nm, the industries' highest 
transmission levels, and
wide-range out-of-band 
blocking. Single-cavity and
multi-cavity filters are available. These ultra-narrowband filters are ideal
LIDAR, astronomy, Raman spectroscopy,
and a variety of laser applications.




2. 단일패스부터 최대 5파장의 밴드패스필터

Bandpass Filters – Single / Dual / Tri / Quad /
Penta Band

Hard-coated single-band and multiband
bandpass interference filters. Our 
ULTRA Series bandpass are designed
steep edges, high transmission, and up to OD10 blocking by design. They are
ideal for 
fluorescence microscopyflow cytometryfluorescence imaging, and many
other applications.

Our standard OD4 bandpass filters are
also available. These offer both greater than 90% transmission and greater than
OD4 blocking at prices that are comparable to laminated filters.




3. 파장분할/결합 옵틱스

Dichroic Beamsplitters – Single Edge / Multi

High-performance dichroic filters and
polychroic filters. These hard-coated dichroic filters are designed with
regions of high 
transmission and high reflection that are separated by
steep edge. Both single-edge longpass
dichroics and polychroics are available and all are specified with low 
transmitted wavefront error (TWE).
They are ideal for 
fluorescence microscopy and
a variety of other applications.





4. 형광용 필터 세트

Fluorescence Filter Sets – Single Band / Multi

High-performance fluorescence filter sets
fluorescence microscopyflow cytometryPCR, and a variety of other
fluorescence applications. These hard-coated 
ULTRA Series excitation filters
and emission filters are specified with tight wavelength control, 
steep edges, high transmission, and greater than
blocking to produce bright,
high-contrast images, and to maximize signal-to noise ratios. The dichroic
filters are designed with steep edges, high transmission, and high 
reflection. ULTRA Series filter sets
are all specified to produce 
zero pixel shift and
transmitted wavefront error (TWE).
single-band and multiband filter sets are




5. 효과적인 고성능/가성비의 필터

전통방식의 소프트코팅 필터 대체

Soft Coating Replacement Filters

Durable, hard-coated optical filters
for replacing laminated filters





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