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White laser source

페이지 정보

작성자 admin 조회 12,160회 작성일 19-02-27 14:47


Laser White Light Modules

Available under the brand name ALBALUX, our laser white light modules are produced in house. Laser white light offers unique performance properties in low divergence and waveguide delivery for medical, biomedical, machine vision, and specialty illumination applications.


ALBALUX Fiber-Coupled Module

ALBALUX FM is a novel white light fiber-coupled module. The structured light source produces highly-directional and brilliant white light, superior of that of LED.

ALBALUX FM offers high luminance output that enables long throw distances, narrow beam angles and small optic sizes for specialty lighting applications. 

The white light source is based on a small small 450 nm diode laser pumping a phosphor that produces brilliant, broad-spectrum, incoherent white light. This award-winning technology is the world’s first laser-generated white light source of its kind.


  • World’s highest luminance with novel fiber optic delivery
  • Up to 100x the intensity of the white light LED
  • Precise beam control and illumination
  • Typical >150 lumens fiber output
  • CCT 6000 K, CRI 70


  • Enables long throw distance
  • Sharp beam cutoff and high contrast light field gradients


  • Medical endoscopy
  • Industrial endoscopy
  • Spectroscopic diagnostics
  • Biomedical instrumentation
  • Machine vision
  • Specialty lighting
  • Defense
  • Law enforcement


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