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Holo-or News Letter - Q1 2018

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 조회 16,275회 작성일 18-01-17 13:45






come Visit US!


January 27-28, 2018

Booth 8321

Moscone Ctr W. Hall



Jan 30-Feb 1, 2018

Booth 123

Moscone Ctr S. Hall



With the
beginning of 2018, Holo
invites you to meet us at the upcoming Photonics West
and BiOS
exhibitions in California.

We will be introducing several new products, including:
DOE tuner module
for fine-tuning of the output spot, a new
Diffractive Axicon element
which is insensitive to misalignments and
transmissive imaging masks
for use with high-power laser systems.


free to consult our experienced application engineers, who can help you find
the best solution for your beam shaping needs.


What’s New?

Large wafer manufacturing capability


As part of our continuing efforts to
improve the quality of our products, Holo
/Or has upgraded
its production facilities. This process included refurbishing as well as the
installation of new machines.


We now have the capability of
manufacturing our DOEs on 150mm wafers, thus increasing our volume capacity
and further reducing costs for large quantities.


New Products

Polymer-on Glass DOE


many applications, the extremely high laser damage threshold of Fused silica
DOE is overkill, resulting in high costs without offsetting returns. For
mid-power range applications, Holo/Or has developed a new polymer-on-glass
DOE production capability. We can now offer lower cost DOE at volumes of
100-10000 units at wavelengths from 450-1080nm, with short lead times. These
are based on glass-like polymers with relatively high laser damage thresholds
and excellent temperature and environmental stability. 


A 150mm
Fused Silica wafer cut into 69 14mmX14mm parts



Transmissive mask for
high-power laser systems




Top-Hat beam shaper elements with large angles


Many applications such as wafer
inspection, spectrometry and cytometry, require projection of a large angle
square, round or line shape with flat-top energy. Holo
/Or has extended
this product category, offering large Top hat beam shapers with angles of up to
10◦. These products are available for all wavelengths and can be customized
for desired beam and aperture sizes.
Visit our Top Hat


Contact Us




13B Einstein Street

Ness Ziona, Israel






Multi-line product family for machine vision


Machine vision has become a common
technique for 3D object detection, which requires scanning of a surface by a
laser beam.

Using a Multi-Line element is an
efficient and rapid way of surface recognition by projecting many lines on
the scanning surface simultaneously.

Holo/Or is
offering a new product family of
Multi-Line beam
, with up to 81 lines in semi standard elements.



Technical Tips


Free simulation tool –
P-Code for Top-Hat Simulations


Holo/Or offers
a beam-shaper integration tool for MATLAB (P-code). This free of charge
service provides intensity distribution for any beam shaper, including the
effects of tolerances. The designer is free to choose the wavelength, input
diameter, spot size and working distance of their preference and can check
the effects of parameters variations on the output. Click
here to
download it directly or contact us for more information.


TopHat_Pcode Output
images  from our free P-Code tool


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