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LeanLineTM laser beam M2 transformation and narrow line beam shaping

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작성자 관리자 조회 10,588회 작성일 17-01-19 15:43


LeanLineTM laser beam M2 transformation and narrow line beam shaping

LeanLineTM is HOLO/OR's innovative solution for transformation of a round input beam into a narrow laser line, useful in various high power application. These applications include laser lift off, flat display production, solar cell processing and polymer welding.
HOLO/OR offers a robust 2-module system that that converts a low coherence, round input into a thin line with a user determined length (100mm-750mm).
Our solution is based on proprietary diffractive concepts and can be tailored to any wavelength from 193nm deep UV to 1600nm IR lasers. By utilizing our solution, you can use lower power, lower cost lasers to achieve the same power density in the line, realizing major costs savings.

narrow line beam shaping

M^2 transformation

Diffractive solution advantages:

  • Easy alignment and installation
  • Extremely high precision for M2 transformation quality, achieved by the lithography production process
  • A fully transmissive (no reflection), on-axis system
  • Aberration free
  • Can be easily modified to produce different line lengths and widths
  • No internal focus points
  • Available in a wide spectral range from DUV to NIR.
The solution includes two modules:
  • The first module is used for M2 transformation and line beam shaping.
  • The second module is used for Line length control and focusing in the narrow axis.

(주)유니오텍'| 사업자 등록번호 : 314-86-49551| 대표 : 김진하
대전광역시 유성구 테크노4로 17 (관평동 684번지) 대덕비즈센터 B동 313호| 문의 : 042-933-9870
팩스 : 0303-0959-9870| 이메일 : sales@uniotech.kr
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