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gRAY Thermal Power Sensor (Analog OEM)의 응용분야 소개

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 조회 10,409회 작성일 15-10-12 15:37


applications of gRAY detectors




Medical laser systems:




Case 1: Process stability is crucial for the customer - a European laser
system manufacturer specialized on powerful surgical lasers for precise
tissue cutting and ablation. The CO2 laser (CW) for powers up to 60
 needs to be measured sporadically for 1-2 s before a surgery.
With a beam-diameter of 6-8 mm the power density is much below the threshold
value 1.5 kW/cm
for gRAY detectors. To save both costs
and space, the customer uses a gRAY C50-MCcombined with an AMP
. The module is integrated into the beam path behind a tiltable
, which is flipped only during the short measurement periods to let
the beam hit the detector. For the surgery, the complete beam is used.


Case 2: Due to EU regulations, every medical laser system needs to be
equipped with a redundant power measurement unit. The customer integrates the
gRAY B01-SC into a 2.94 µm laser (CW) of max. 10 W. In
order to save space, the detector is soldered directly onto the electronics
board (like the B01-SMC) with a reflow process. This makes the whole unit
very compact and ensures good thermal and electric coupling. To monitor the
power continuously, the board is mounted behind a beam splitter
(90:10), meaning that max. 1 W hits the detector. The main beam is coupled
into an optical fiber behind the beam splitter and used for micro surgical
tissue cutting.




Industrial laser systems:




Case 3: Marking lasers start to have high requirements for precision e.g.
for the manufacturing of decorative elements on consumer electronics like the
Apple on each iPhone. The customer needs a continuous power monitor for the 5
W (CW)
 laser systems with wavelengths 1064 nm or 532 nm. Since
space is limited, the gRAY B05-SC was chosen and integrated into the
processing head behind a beam splitter (see graph above). The measured
signal is directly fed into a power control loop to stabilize the output
power. The thermal and electronic integration is done by the customer.


Case 4: For high power CO2 (CW) cutting lasers, the power needs to
be monitored continuously to ensure reproducible production results.
The gRAY C50-HW is placed behind the laser cavity to measure the light
transmitted through the back mirror – typically <50 W. This light is only
a small fraction of the front output but is directly proportional to the main
beam. It can therefore be used for a closed loop control of the laser power.
The low rise time of the detector fulfills the customer’s requirement
  1 s. With
the thermal, mechanical and electronic integration provided with the housed
detector, the assembly of the measurement unit is straightforward.


Case 5: The customer builds CO2 (CW) laser systems for fusion
splicing of optical fibers where the beam position is crucial for high
production yield. Space is limited in the system and we therefore develop a
customized positioning device for this application. A laser beam of ca. 5 mm
diameter is measured at 2 positions inside the system. The measurement
is carried out during ca. 2 s while the new fibers are loaded to the
machine. The customer builds the read-out electronics and provides the
thermal integration. With the new detector, the measurement unit gets much
more compact and cost-efficient.





Power meters:




Case 6: To build a compact and highly sensitive power meter, the customer
chose the gRAY B05-SC for integration into a power measurement head.
The measurement head is only 30x40x18.5 mm
3 in size and can
resolve powers down to 10 uW. In order to achieve this high
resolution, a second B05-SC detector is placed next to the main detector for
compensation of thermal fluctuations in the environment. Compared to the
previous models, the customer – a US-based manufacturer – could achieve lower
rise times as well, which is attractive for retail customers.


S401C - High-Sensitivity Thermal Power Sensor, 0.19 - 10.6 µm, 10 µW - 1 W

Case 7: Compact and precise power meters are demanded in industry for
maintenance purposes. The customer therefore develops a high power hand held
measurement device, which can be used for powers up to 100 W. Any
commercially available detector is too bulky for the application at hand. In
order to make a compact detector, the gRAY C50-MC is slightly modified
and integrated into a housing provided by the customer. The temperature is
measured with a T-sensor and a compensation of the temperature dependence is
done inside the meter.


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