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[Optotune] Laser Processing

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 조회 12,158회 작성일 15-06-30 15:36


Laser Processing

  • Large scan area
  • Small spot size
  • High speed enabling true 3D marking


Optotune’s focus tunable lens is the ideal choice for 3D laser processing. In combination with galvo scanners or x-y tables, large scan volumes and small spot sizes can be achieved.

Traditionally, the field curvature of 2D laser scanners is flattened by using F-theta lenses or a mechanical translation stage moving a lens in a beam expander. The former approach reduces the size of the scan area and requires the object to be at a fixed distance from the scan head. The latter approach is bulky, slow and expensive and only allows a small scan volume to be marked. Furthermore, the lifetime is limited due to the moving parts.

Instead of using complex mechanics or expensive lenses, the z-position of a laser spot can be controlled by using Optotune’s electrically focus tunable lens. This allows for fast response times in the range of milliseconds, enabling true 3D laser processing and fast switching between different marking surfaces. Furthermore, by having less moving parts the overall system becomes more compact, reliable and less expensive. In addition, the marking area can be increased and the achievable spot size reduced, compared to systems using F-Theta lenses. The large focus tuning range of Optotune’s lenses also enables unparalleled marking volumes. Optotune’s lenses are made with proprietary materials, which have a damage threshold of >10kW/cm2. The lenses are especially suitable for applications using pulsed lasers of 532nm and 1064nm wavelength.



The video below demonstrates 3D laser marking using Optotune's electrical lens EL-10-42-OF.


3D Laser Marking with 
Optotune's EL-10-42-OF

Download video


EL-10-42-OF datasheet

EL-E-OF-A datasheet

Application note for laser processing

Laser processing application one-pager

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